Sunday, June 21, 2009

Holidays Homework (June 22 - 26)

Dear P6D and 6F pupils,

As there is no supplementary on 22 and 23 June, please complete the sample PSLE paper found at the back section of the PSLE booklet.

I will post the answers within the next few days for the beginning sections.

Mdm Goh


yansz. said...

what do u mean ? u say pg 1 - 67 only .. so do the spacimen paper at the back is it? btw ,, this is firdayanti.

YanhongSmileszxc said...

thn miss chong de class nid mah?

YanhongSmileszxc said...

btw im yan hong

Anonymous said...

erm...u mean we must do all the way to the last pg? ...

cutieblue said...

do we need to do the whole book?